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Dogs & Company Magazine
Edition 444 - June/2016

cover highlight

Little Lebrel &  Whippet:  .What do you need to know before having one?

Our beautiful BSC Ludovico is on the cover of this issue which brings a very enlightening article about the difference between the two smallest dogs in the greyhound group.

If you want to purchase your copy, go to the nearest newsstand or access the link below to buy directly from the publisher.

Veja Rio Magazine

Animal world

Unusual stories, tips and trivia from the universe of pets in Rio

by Daniela Pessoa |  April 23, 2014

skinny on the rise

It may seem like an exaggeration, but the geek in the photo is a victim of bullying. "In the street, people have already shouted that my dog is horrible for being very thin", says the designer Aryanne Rocha, owner of Zoe. This is a 1-year-old whippet dog, known for its slender and curved trunk that guarantees her agility — not for nothing, the lineage made its name in dog racing. "At first glance, they may seem weird, but their docile behavior has made the interest in these animals to increase. Their elegant size makes them also requested for fashion campaigns", says veterinarian Daniele Scandolara, owner of one of the largest kennels in Brazil, where a puppy costs between 2 500 and 3 500 reais. Another virtue: Very versatile, greyhounds are great for outdoor activities, but they also adapt to apartment life and are easy to care for.

See São Paulo Magazine

Whippets: elegant puppies that cost up to 3500 reais
by Carolina Giovanelli | 9  November 2013

Long and graceful, whippets have proliferated  in the homes of the city. "They are very docile, they bark  little and they adapt well in apartments”, he says.  Daniele Scandolara, responsible for  BSC kennel,  located in Arealva, 380 kilometers from the capital.  There, each puppy costs between 3,000 and 3,500 reais. Specialized  in breed, the house charges another fee of  shipping around 180 reais. As adults, animals  measure between 44 and 51 centimeters in height and  its weight ranges from 10 to 15 kilos. a group of admirers  paulistas organizes meetings  monthly. the next event  is scheduled for the 7th of  December in Cotia.

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